Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Something funny...but true.

A friend of mine, Mary, and her daughter Lucy, are great animal lovers. Recently we had been going through a very cold spell, well it is winter. Anyway it was a cold, wet and windy week and Lucy was concerned about a dog that lived on a property between her and her parents.
This poor dog was chained to a starpicket post in the middle of a paddock with no protection from the wind and rain.
Very concerned at this point Lucy left a note, which was pretty blunt, in the property mailbox asking the owners to provide shelter for their dog. The next day as Lucy was driving along she noticed an umbrella had been taped to the top of the starpicket, but in the windy conditions it had been blown inside out.
Lucy saw red and went home to contact the RSPCA.
The next week Mary went out to Lucy's and noticed that the dog was still there with only the inside-out umbrella as shelter. Both Mary and Lucy were furious.
Mary decided she would go to town and make a complaint about the situation herself. She went to the RSPCA, made the compliant and went home.
Meanwhile Lucy's husband was getting so tired of hearing about the poor dog he decided he'd pull out an old dog house they had lying around and take it up for the dog in the paddock.
A couple of hours after she returned home, Mary received a phonecall.
"This is ....from the RSPCA. I wanted to thank you for your concern for the welfare of this dog. You're not the first person to report this dog to us."
"No. My daughter has also complained."
"Well I can let you know that we have sent an officer out to investigate and I don't know how to tell you...It's a statue."
Mary was speachless. Then after a good laugh Mary thanked the woman and hung up feeling a little foolish.
An hour or so later Mary received another phonecall.
"Mary? It's ....from the RSPCA again."
"We're still laughing."

This did actually happen. The names of those involved have been changed for privacy reasons.

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